A bouquet of 25 roses in a hat box is an elegant and always relevant gift. Such surprise will certainly make the heart of every beautiful lady melt, give happiness to your beloved mother or become a fitting surprise for the hero of the day.
Bouquet of 25 roses «Dita»
The bouquet “Dita” is 25 scarlet roses and 2 sprigs of eucalyptus in a hat box, tied with a brown ribbon. Laconism, beauty and splendor in one gift – that’s how you can describe this composition in several words.
Red roses in this composition are suitable as a gift on the occasion of the anniversary, wedding anniversary, Valentine’s Day, International Women’s Day or offer of the hand and heart.
You can order a beautiful, laconic and stylish composition in our online store STUDIO Flores. We gladly offer each client:
- free delivery in Kiev when sum of ordering is from 1500 UAH;
- the most pleasant prices and a truly royal assortment;
- the ideal quality of each flower in the bouquet;
- courier delivery anywhere in the capital for a maximum of two hours.
Do not miss the opportunity to buy an unforgettable composition, because your loved ones are worthy of the most wonderful gifts!
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