Now very convenient look around Roses Lemonade. Digital catalogue does fashionable bouquets with protea for a holiday or just like that. Section Houseplants will be able to please the desires demanding buyers. Affordable prices for Bouquet of lilacs with roses and tulips "Mercy", Bouquet of lilacs with roses in a box "Thumbelina", Bouquet of 101 pink and purple tulips in a box allow you to get quickly and inexpensively. Fast sending Nyvky and to other districts of Kiev. Talented artisans of the store STUDIO Flores at affordable prices will embody any flower idea. Royal Protea — incredible presents at good prices.
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A rare exotic plant suits for true connoisseurs of room flowers. In connection to the fact that the birthplace of Protea is Africa, she needs a special care: dry air, a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight and frequent watering. However, you should be careful that the soil of the flower dries, so it is recommended to water often, but in small portions.
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