A touching, elegant and laconic bouquet of white shrubby roses will decorate by smile the face of everyone who will be given this bouquet. Small roses Spray varieties of Bandolero are created in order to give a fine mood, sincere tenderness and to remind of your feelings.
Bouquet of white shrubby roses “Sunshine”
As part of the composition “Sun”are five branches of small shrubby roses and two sprigs of eucalyptus. Tenderness of a bouquet is emphasized by packing without superfluous details.
Such inexpensive flower composition is an excellent opportunity to make a compliment to a lady of heart, to congratulate a birthday person on a celebration or to bring joy to a loved one with a beautiful gift on the occasion of a memorable date. Also to give such a gentle bouquet without reason will always be appropriate and a smile on the face of those who were given will be that proof.
You can buy a stylish and delicate bouquet of small white roses in our online store STUDIO Flores. To become an our buyer means:
- to get the opportunity of free delivery in Kiev when ordering for the amount from 1500 hryvnia;
- maximum two hours later you receive an order;
- to see in the assortment dozens of variants of beautiful, stylish and inspiring flowers compositions;
- if necessary, use the services of professional florists.
Create a great mood and give tenderness with interesting offers from our online store STUDIO Flores!
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