How to choose a birthday bouquet?

How to choose a birthday bouquet?

23 September
  • Катерина Черная
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If you are looking for a gift that will open your feelings, choose a refined bouquet. In the tender petals hides love and reverent attitude. You can tell about your wishes without words with the help of a properly selected composition. If the person who receives it as a gift is different in sensual delicate nature, he will understand everything. No holiday is complete without the bright colors of the flower world. Especially it’s nice to receive flowers on your birthday.

Choosing a similar gift, do not rely on luck. To deliver the birthday boy or the birthday girl maximum pleasure, you should carefully select each part.

The language of flowers

The buds hide a deep meaning in their silence. People who understand the language of flowers can communicate with each other so that no one can guess. Therefore, when choosing a bouquet, it is necessary to have at least the slightest idea about ​​what the tender azalea hides, chamomiles keep silent and asters smile.

You can start with small – with color. Red and its shades carry a sense of excitation, sensuality. More intense options – ardor, the heat of love. Even one small rose of a similar shade can speak of the passion that a person experiences. If you want to share your tender feelings, pay attention to the blue colors. Light options will tell about secret feelings, rich – about memories that disturb the soul. Pay special attention to green color. It brings calm and peace in its pure bright form, but in combination with yellow – a negative message.

If you need to choose a bouquet for a birthday party, for a person you know a little, give preference to something pink, motley. These are variants that are universal and do not carry a specific meaning.

Rules of flower etiquette

We rarely think about how to present a gift properly, especially if it is just a bouquet. At the same time, many people worry at the most crucial moment. They do not know how to take flowers, what to say and how to act. In fact, there are a number of rules that make the process convenient and unobtrusive, it’s floral etiquette.

Choosing a similar gift, you should focus on gender, age and personal relationships. For the fair sex, you can pick up something simple or, on the contrary, original and bright. Women at any age are able to appreciate the beauty and sophistication of flowers. Voluminous elegant bouquets suitable for a sumptuous event. If the birthday girl has gathered everyone in a close family circle, you can please her with small inflorescences on short legs. Such a composition can be put in a vase, decorating the dining table.

According to etiquette, men choose options with large buds, strong stems and all in the same color. Roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, peonies fit to representatives of the stronger sex . Decoration should be strict, restrained. The size of the bouquet – large. Miniature options – it is the prerogative of the girls.

In order not to worry during the presentation, think up a couple of phrases in advance. While giving the gift, flowers should look up, and you have to hold it in your left hand. This will allow you to hug the guest of honor or shake his hand.

Bouquet design options

In addition to the flowers themselves, attention should be paid to how they are collected. There are various options – from a single ribbon to the author’s composition, which may contain several additional details.

Following the rules of etiquette, you can give a bouquet for a birthday as in a package, and without it. As a decor are used:

  • ribbons and bows;
  • thick textured paper;
  • baskets;
  • boxes;
  • original details.

If you are not able to congratulate a loved one personally, you can use the delivery of flowers to one’s home or office. Such a surprise is especially pleasant and memorable for a long time. The variant in a hat box, characterized by lush, luxury and severity, looks original.

The online store STUDIO Flores offers various options for weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. Fresh, saturated of color buds will be the highlight of your congratulations. Ordering bouquets is making online and by phone.

Get closer, give a piece of tenderness and love – what could be easier? Flowers contain all this.

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