Signs and customs associated with flowers

Signs and customs associated with flowers

02 June
  • Катерина kyiv
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The language of flowers gives special meaning to each plant, paying attention to both the variety and the palette of the bouquet. In folk culture, signs and customs about plants often appear that have nothing to do with the language of flowers: they relate to fresh bouquets, potted specimens and dried flowers. We will tell you about the most famous of them, keeping in mind the main thing: beliefs should not be mistaken for irrefutable rules, and sometimes you should not be guided by superstitions, but your own taste in choosing colors.

Flower bouquets and related beliefs

Despite the fact that flowers are usually given without malicious intent, the recipient of the bouquet may be upset when they receive a bouquet as a gift, with which bad superstitions are associated. So, it is considered a bad omen to receive:

  • Dry or artificial flowers. In Eastern culture, dried flowers and even more so fake plants have dead energy, so giving them is considered a bad omen. This sign also has a practical side: artificial plants collect dust, which can become an allergen, therefore, it is recommended to decorate only non-residential premises with such flowers.
  • A bouquet with an even number of buds. The Slavs believe that a pair of flowers brings bad luck, linking this with the funeral traditions of honoring the dead with an even number of flowers.
  • White bouquets if the recipient is sick or old. White is usually associated with youth and health, and the donation of such plants can be regarded as irony or a wish for a bad outcome.
  • Mono-bouquets of yellow flowers, if the recipient and the giver of the bouquet are in a romantic relationship: such a gift is considered a symbol of an imminent separation. At the same time, yellow flowers can be given as a part of prefabricated compositions, as well as boldly choose yellow mono-bouquets for donation to relatives. It is also not recommended to give poppies to loved ones – for all their beauty, these flowers symbolize weakness, and mono bouquets of these flowers are regarded as a sign of fading feelings.
  • One of the most controversial beliefs is that a quickly wilted bouquet was presented with insincere feelings. In reality, this rather indicates the inattention of the buyer of the bouquet.

    Bridal bouquet: main features

    Beliefs associated with the bride’s bouquet are of particular importance for girls and women due to the significance of the event itself. It is believed that the wedding will go well and the family life will be full of happiness if the wedding bouquet:

  • was bought by the groom or another man (according to legend, no other woman should touch the bouquet before the bride);
    does not include carnations, azaleas, callas and lilies (in some countries these flowers are considered a symbol of mourning for the dead);
  • consists only of living plants;

  • throughout the day is in the hands of the newlywed (custom allows for a while to transfer the bouquet only to the mother of the bride or husband, so as not to miss the love);
  • remains with the family after the wedding is over (the bride can throw a duplicate of her own composition to unmarried girls, and if a single bouquet is used for this, after determining the “next bride”, the flowers must return to the newlywed).
  • Signs about indoor flowers

    According to legends, potted plants can also bring good or bad luck to the house, help or destroy family happiness, normalize or spoil relationships between people. They approach the choice of indoor flowers with special caution, because they have a much longer lasting effect on a person than fresh bouquets.

    It is believed that anthurium has a beneficial effect on family life: possessing male energy, this flower spreads good luck not only to male household members, but also to women. It is preferable to keep the plant in the bedroom, and married girls are advised to purchase a female spathiphyllum in a pair with a male plant: this will bring harmony and understanding to the family.

    Not all flowers with masculine energy bring happiness to the family: according to the omen, climbing plants are driven out of the house of men, for which such flowers are secretly called “muzhegoni”. It is undesirable for a woman to have hibiscus in the house: this flower brings loneliness and quarrels with loved ones. Poliscias and juniper are considered good companions for men, while orchids and gardenia are considered female plants.

    Plants that have a beneficial effect on any home include:

  • geranium (it is recommended to keep it in the apartment for those who have problems with the work of the heart, since it helps to cope with life’s difficulties and resolve conflicts);
  • cyclamen (this plant is especially useful for creative people, because according to legend it stimulates the work of thought and brings inspiration);
  • dracaena or fat woman – she is also a money tree (they bring profit to the house and help in the successful promotion of the business);

  • violet (this flower is believed to bring harmony and understanding in relationships between people).
  • Florists recommend keeping these flowers in living rooms. You can put thyme, rosemary, mint bush and citrus trees on the windowsill in the kitchen: vases with these plants will not only serve as a decoration for the room, but also fill it with the cozy smell of spices. Ficus is also recommended to keep in the kitchen: a sign assures that if the owner of the plant places the plant in this room, the house will always have plenty of delicious food and material benefits.

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