What is phlorotherapy?

What is phlorotherapy?

21 July
  • Катерина kyiv
  • 0 comment

Contemplation of the appearance of fresh flowers can bring not only pleasure, but also benefit: just observing cut plants helps to get rid of a number of diseases, normalize the psycho-emotional state and find harmony with the world around us. The method of treatment with natural flowers – phlorotherapy – includes two main areas: the use of plants and their essences directly. Both flowers and essences are selected for each specific case separately.

Fluorotherapy by Edward Bach

This direction of phlorotherapy is also called the treatment with flower drops, and was invented by the English homeopath and phytotherapist Edward Bach. After many years of studying the properties of each flower, Dr. Bach created 38 types of essences that have a beneficial effect on the health of certain groups of patients.

Bach therapy is based on the theory that any disease is of a psychosomatic nature – in other words, suppression of emotions and internal imbalance leads to the development of diseases. Treatment with tinctures is indicated for those who suffer from one of seven conditions that destroy the psycho-emotional balance:

  • loneliness;
  • fears;
  • apathy;
  • despair;
  • uncertainty;
  • anxiety for others;
  • sensitivity to external factors.

Flower infusions are used in drops, taken daily by mouth or added to baths, ointments and creams. Fluorotherapy can be combined with traditional classical medicine without compromising the quality of treatment.

Bach’s fluorotherapy has no contraindications and side effects. Addiction to tinctures is not formed even with prolonged use, which allows them to be safely used in patients of any age. Regular intake of an individual complex of tinctures compiled by a specialist increases stress resistance, stabilizes the emotional background, relieves anxiety and excessive stress.

Florotherapy with fresh flowers

The second direction of therapy involves the restoration of the body by direct interaction with cut plants in a vase. The art of relieving stress with fresh flowers originated in Asia and has survived to this day in an almost unchanged form. Eastern sages considered plants to be living analogs of batteries, capable of accumulating creative energy in the process of growth. It was believed that a cut or plucked flower harmonizes the space around itself, bringing a person’s energy field into a state of balance.

Asian florotherapists consider the disease as a disharmony of energy within the body, and fresh flowers as a way of energetically balancing the personality: flowers neutralize the excess of negative, and make up for the lack of positive.

It is recommended to start therapy with one flower: it is useful for a person with internal disharmony to trace the entire life cycle of a plant, therefore, it should be cut off at the bud stage, and the “spent” specimen should be thrown away only after it has completely wilted. The flower is kept at a distance of a meter from the place where the person spends the most time.

After interacting with one plant, you can collect a bouquet of flowers: the process of composing the composition also has a positive effect, and based on how color preferences change, conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of therapy. It is believed that treatment has a positive effect if you want to replace the cold and pale tones of the plants with warm ones.

The basis of this method of therapy is that each flower has two types of energy: its own, inherent only in a particular plant, and color, depending on its color. The first type of energy is considered more subtle, and according to this principle, only an experienced phlorotherapist can find the right flower that can improve the condition of a particular person. However, in cases where it is not possible to consult such a specialist, you can resort to “self-medication” by choosing the desired copy yourself based on color preferences: in the absence of allergy to plant pollen, such independence will not bring any harm.

Shades of red and immunity

Red color stimulates the immune system: under the influence of all shades of red, blood circulation and the formation of red blood cells are stimulated, which has a positive effect on the body’s defenses.

Shades of orange and respiratory organs

Warming orange will help improve health in chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system: bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis and tracheitis. Contemplating ocher plants is also helpful for potency problems.

Shades of yellow and digestion

The color of the sun helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, in particular the stomach, gallbladder and liver, and also has a positive effect on people with vision problems.

Shades of green and blood pressure

Green and light green colors have a beneficial effect on the work of organs associated with the regulation of blood pressure: the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Also, these colors have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Blue and Cyan

Shades of blue and light blue reduce appetite, improve thyroid function and normalize sleep. The contemplation of sky-colored plants will help the body cope with diseases of the throat and lungs.


Purple flowers will help to cope with diseases of the bladder and kidneys, as well as relieve nervous strain.

You can buy fresh fresh flowers in our online store. Our florists will help you choose the right colors of plants to bring harmony and optimism back into your life.

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