Unusual presentation of the bouquet, consisting of pink splendor and snow-white complement, is represented by a peony rose, carnations, hyacinths, lagurus and chamelacium. The arrangement of flowers of different shapes and sizes attracts attention: from round open and closed buds to “hare” tails and small flower scattering on a branch.
Features of the offer
If you are interested in ordering flowers in a stylish design, with an aristocratic touch of grace, when attention is paid to every detail – choose “Pink Caprice”. It is suitable for those who have a refined taste, and also have excessive requirements for the composition and appropriate design.
Another feature of the composition in question is its affordable cost. Therefore, people of different financial levels will be able to buy a bouquet with delivery.
STUDIO Flores: Materialize Your Flower Fantasies
You can order a bouquet “Pink whim” or any other position you like online. In their works, florists are able to present a variety of shades and arrange spectacular plant varieties. If stored successfully, the bouquets turn into dead wood, which will remind you of an occasion and a floral gift.
In winter, we compose a variety of bouquets, no less beautiful than the summer assortment. Turning to an online flower shop, you get advice, help, a ready-made plant present and flower delivery in Kiev. It is suggested to order a bouquet for the newlywed 2-3 weeks in advance.
For companies that want to buy more than 10 bouquets at the same time, we form a pleasant discount for a bulk order.
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