Now you can simply find Lavender (dried flowers). Online boutique has among other things fashionable small bouquet for the occasion or just like that. Subgroup Bouquet for a friend meets expectations demanding buyers. Good price tags on Easter basket with tulips and mimosa, Bride's bouquet 6, Bouquet with hydrangea and peonies "Pearl" will give an opportunity to get very easy and fast. Delivery in a few hours Boryspil and to other districts of Kiev. Skillful craftsmen at budget prices will embody any of your floral ideas. Men's bouquet with protea "Lancelot" — compositions of your mood at affordable prices.
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A stylish bouquet that is equally suitable as a gift for both a man and a bright, stylish girl.
Type of bouquet | Mono bouquet |
Color | Red |
Flower | Protea |
Number | 1 |
Occasion | Birthday, Christmas, Date, Just because, Teacher's day |
Size | Small |
Whom | For a boss, For a colleague, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a men, For a mom, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife |
Occasion | Autumn collection, Winter collection |
For whom | Bouqets for men, Bouquet for a friend |
Categories | Autumn collection | Bouqets | Bouqets for men | Bouquet for a friend | Bouquet with protea | Inexpensive bouquets | New | Winter collection |
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