Bouquet with spray rose + Spray rose


Showing 1–24 of 52 results

Salon bouquets of flowers with delivery to Kyiv - a place where you can buy various luxurious bouquets. Here you can find Bouquet with spray rose + Spray rose of various types. Plants, which are ordered in our studio, fresh and fragrant. Our range varied and wide. We can find pink roses anthurium white tulips and many other different colors. Do you want to please your beloved gorgeous floral arrangement? - florists of our studio will help you order plants, which will pleasantly surprise person dear to you. Want to purchase bouquets for Easter or bouquet for girlfriend - contact us, we will help you decide. Buying plants in our store, you can use the delivery service, suppose flowers delivery to Goloseevo, or take advantage of pickup in Kyiv on Voskresenskaya street 14B. Bouquet with spray rose or bouquet with hydrangea will be delivered within the stipulated time and bring joy to your loved ones. In addition to selling flowers, we provide floristic services, for example flower concierge. If when ordering Bouquet with spray rose + Spray rose you want to ask something - call our managers, we will be happy to answer them.