2,750.00 грн.
New Year's bouquet 'Epiphany frosts'

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New Year’s bouquet “Epiphany frosts”

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Bouquet in a hat box, which will be a wonderful gift for the winter holidays, birthday or just for no reason. It will bring a pleasant aroma of needles, winter freshness and add shine to your holiday.


The Epiphany Frost bouquet from the STUDIO Flores online store is presented as a snow-white composition with Dutch fir in a velvet hat box. The classic combination of snow-white glass balls and green needles creates an amazing winter bouquet.

No need to think that in winter, multi-colored bouquets look out of season, and elements in soothing colors lose their charm. The composition will add charm to the relationship between lovers, will be a wonderful flower gift when presented to relatives. Flowers, regardless of their type and shape, have magic and endear you to the interlocutor. Place an order for flowers with delivery in Kyiv to see the effect.

Cold Variations

In summer, people often pay attention to the showiness of the components in the bouquet, which usually seems bright and memorable. In winter, bouquets are ordered that give a natural aroma. These can be dried compositions or coniferous proposals with the addition of non-bright colors, New Year’s paraphernalia. Not only in wreaths, but also in flower arrangements, artificial snow on branches and stems sprinkled with white spray looks exciting and pleasant.

Girls really appreciate impulsive gifts acquired under the influence of emotions. Therefore, the presentation of a bouquet without a reason, as a compliment to appearance, trust, an incentive to continue the relationship. Moms and grandmothers will definitely appreciate the caring gesture if you decide to order a bouquet “without reference” for the holiday in a flower shop. They may be a little embarrassed by the delivery of flowers in Kyiv, but if the son or daughter does not have the opportunity to personally drive up, then this method will work great.

When you want to say “magic”

Compositions are made by our florists of the flower shop. Possessing the delicate art of arranging bouquets, they filigree perform their work, using knowledge and creative inspiration.

I want to buy the bouquet that strikes the imagination. Moreover, it can be assembled from components that cannot surprise with their extraordinary beauty or shape. It’s all about the ability to feel the correspondence, knowing how to strengthen one component with another, which is better to choose a tape and packaging.

The quick possibility to order flowers online allows you to quickly buy the compositions presented on the website.

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