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Basket of flowers with lilacs and roses

Now you can quickly and conveniently look around Dahlias. Site flores-shop.com.ua can do beautiful bouquets of roses for your beloved for guidance or family and friends. Section Bouqets with ranunculus satisfy desires the most scrupulous customers. Really wholesale prices for Bride's bouquet 8, Basket of flowers "For daughter", Flowers and Mother's Day gift will give the opportunity to take convenient and cost-effective. The most careful delivery Petropavlovskaya Borschagovka and to other districts of Kiev. Florists flores-shop.com.ua at a good price will make any flower arrangement for you. Basket of flowers with lilacs and roses — compositions for your mood at an affordable price.

Basket of flowers with lilacs and roses

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An armful of spring and aroma.

2 ranunculus, 2 oxypetalum, 3 roses matched to tone, 2 sprigs of spray roses, 2 freesias, lilacs, 4 tulips and a sprig of eucalyptus.


Additional information

Type of bouquet


Box type

In a basket


Mix, Pink


Freesia, Lilac, Ranunculus, Rose, Spray rose, Tulip


Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas, Date, Just because, March 8, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Wedding




For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a kid, For a mom, For a newborn, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife

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