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Bouquet of flowers 'Stranger'

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Bouquet of flowers “Stranger”

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Delicate bouquet for romantic meetings.

2 sprigs of delphinium, 2 sprigs of spray roses Mansfild Park, a sprig of rice color, 2 sprigs of oxypetalum, eucalyptus, 3 Menta roses, 2 incredible ash-colored carnations.


Such copyright designs always evoke nostalgia for love and wonderful relationships. The heroines of the bouquet of flowers “Stranger” are the roses of Mainsfried Park and Menta. Ash carnations of a rather rare shade gave way to them.

A sprig of rice color is located between the buds. In the background, a floral display of delphinium and oxypetalum is created. Eucalyptus, like a true knight, guards the delicate composition of bouquets.

“The rose of Menta is called the moon rose because of the reduced brightness of the petals. The hybrid tea flower is very fond of sunlight and it seems that all the depth of tone has passed into rich green leaves. ”

The flower shop, which regularly sells bouquets, always has elite varieties of roses in stock. They look good in a classically monochrome bouquet and successfully dominate complex compositions.

Buy a bouquet at STUDIO Flores

In winter and spring, there are 2 holidays for which women are given flowers. These are February 14 and March 8. Valentine’s Day attracts more young people, as it is called the holiday of lovers. Although middle-aged married men try to order a bouquet for their spouses in February to emphasize their heartfelt feelings.

On International Women’s Day, all girls and women are honored, expressing gratitude for their existence, for the ability to create comfort, to raise children, to remain a beloved and devoted wife for decades. Someone buys and gives a bouquet of flowers himself, while others decide to order a bouquet with delivery. The STUDIO Flores online store offers an online catalog to view all the offers on the site.

In what cases flower delivery in Kiev helps

1. When you are very busy, to come to our office in person.
2. If you do not want to spend a couple of hours on the road, hitting a traffic jam.
3. There is no car, and ordering flowers means receiving several bouquets.
4. The donor is out of town, from another country or at the right time is not in Kiev. Then the bouquet with roses will be delivered to the addressee by our courier.
5. You want to present a bouquet of roses in a restaurant, after leaving the theater, transfer it to work for your beloved woman.

It is possible to order a bouquet with flower delivery on any day of the week according to the courier’s work schedule.

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