In our opinion, each bouquet of STUDIO Flores has its own unique character, its own flavor, its own style. It combines softness and nobility in a Tiffany bouquet, which is so easy to convey through aromatic matiola, creamy carnation and creamy rose, and austerity – due to a sprig of blue eringium. Lavender, fragrant hyacinth and delphinium remind us of summer.
This color combination is versatile, so if you are not sure about the recipient’s preferences, then this bouquet will be the perfect choice for you. This bouquet of flowers will be a wonderful birthday present, for a date with a girlfriend, mom or colleague.
How to place an order in our online store
Placing an order will not take you much time, for this you can:
1. Request a call back;
2. Fill out the order form on the website;
3. Call the phone number indicated on our website.
You can pay for your order either in cash to the courier at the time of receiving the flowers or on the website by paying by credit card.
Flowers and bouquets delivery
All flowers and bouquets of STUDIO Flores are delivered by our couriers to your home or office 7 days a week. The minimum delivery time from the moment of ordering is 1 hour.
Is it possible to order flowers or a bouquet in advance?
Yes, it is possible. This function is called a flower concierge, when you can place one or several orders in advance by specifying only the delivery date, the bouquet you like and the recipient’s phone number. On the specified date, our florist consultant will contact you to confirm your order, collect a bouquet or a composition and contact the recipient to agree on the time and place of delivery, and the courier will deliver flowers or a bouquet at the appointed time.
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