Now you can quickly and conveniently find Roses Holland. Internet shop flores shop has in stock bright bouquets for a marriage proposal for any occasion. Collection Bouquet for the girl will satisfy the most scrupulous buyers. Quite low prices for Ball set 10, Bride's bouquet 2, Valentine's Day Gift will give the opportunity to buy convenient and cost-effective. Lightning dispatch Poznyaki and to other districts of Kiev. The best masters inexpensive will make any composition for you. Bouquet 51 roses "Coffee" — are compositions of your mood at the best prices.
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A wonderful variety of roses grown by domestic breeders. Dense bud 8-10 cm high, delicate color that changes its color from delicate cream in the middle to pink-brown at the edges of the bud.
A bouquet of 51 Coffee roses will amaze even sophisticated recipients!
Type of bouquet | Mono bouquet |
Color | Creamy |
Flower | Rose |
Number | 51 |
Occasion | Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas, Date, Just because, March 8, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Wedding |
Size | Big |
Whom | For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a mom, For a newborn, For a sister, For beloved, For wife |
Occasion | Anniversary, Birthday, Wedding |
For whom | Bouquet for the girl |
Categories | 51 Roses | Anniversary | Birthday | Bouquet for the girl | Wedding |
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