1,100.00 грн.
Bouquet of fifteen white roses with Atena eucalyptus

Quite simple make an order for Roses Grace. Store website STUDIO Flores does lovely hydrangea in a bridal bouquet for a name day or other holiday. Heading Bouquets of white roses exceed expectations the most demanding buyers. Good price tags on Basket "New Year", Bouquet of 11 Ball Summer roses with oxypetalum, Set with spruce for decoration 2 will give the opportunity to buy easy and casual. Address sending Nyvky and to other districts of Kiev. Professional florists flores-shop.com.ua at a reasonable price will embody any flower idea. Bouquet of 15 white roses with Atena eucalyptus — bright compositions at the best price.

Bouquet of 15 white roses with Atena eucalyptus

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White roses are a symbol of purity and trust. A bouquet of 15 white roses is an ideal gift for a birthday, a date or a gift for no reason.


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Type of bouquet

Mono bouquet








Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas, Date, Easter, Just because, Last Call and Graduation, March 8, Mother's Day, Teacher's day, Valentine's Day, Wedding




For a boss, For a colleague, For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a mom, For a newborn, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife

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