1,640.00 грн.
Bouquet of seventeen yellow tulips with momosa

Now very convenient find Roses Freedom. Online store flores-shop.com.ua is luxurious bouquets with roses for any celebration. Ruler Bouquet with mimosa live up to expectations demanding buyers. Fairly budget prices for Blue star, Marshmallow set, Bride's bouquet 7 will give the opportunity to pick up fast enough and inexpensive. Delivery in a few hours Pechersk and to other districts of Kiev. Talented florists https://flores-shop.com.ua/ at a bargain price will make an original edible composition. Bouquet of 17 yellow tulips with mimosa — an interesting gift at an affordable price.

Bouquet of 17 yellow tulips with mimosa

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The aroma of spring and bright sunshine in one bouquet!
17 yellow tulips and a mimosa branch.


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Type of bouquet





Mimosa, Tulip


Anniversary, Birthday, Date, Just because, March 8, Valentine's Day




For a boss, For a colleague, For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a kid, For a mom, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife

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