4,310.00 грн.
Bouquet of flowers with mimosa and lilac 'Amalfi'

Now you can simply look around Wildflowers. Shop online flores shop can offer interesting bouquets with pink roses for a colleague or loved one. Subgroup Bouquet with mimosa meets expectations the most demanding buyers. Really favorable prices for Bouquet of 7 pink ranunculus, Bride's bouquet 3, Bouquet of 35 white tulips under a ribbon allow to take convenient and cost-effective. Gentle delivery Boryspil and to other districts of Kiev. Online shop florists https://flores-shop.com.ua/ at a low price will embody any of your wishes. Bouquet of flowers with mimosa and lilac "Amalfi" — compositions of your mood cheap at a discount.

Bouquet of flowers with mimosa and lilac “Amalfi”

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Well, let it be that while it is cold and a little snowy, no one will forbid us to dream about the already sun-drenched coast in Italy!
Give her a beautiful bouquet, give warmth and love!
The bouquet will be a wonderful gift not only for your birthday, but also for Valentine’s Day (February 14) and March 8.

3 sprigs of lilac, 7 tulips, 3 sprigs of mimosa, 3 sprigs of eustoma, 3 sprigs of heleborus, 4 sprigs of spray peony rose and 3 freesias.


Primorskoye poberezh’ye v Italii bogato na obiliye krasok. My sozdali buket «Amal’fi», kotoryy olitsetvoryayet svobodu, polnotu chuvstv, ispolneniye zhelaniy. Imenno takogo ozhidayet zhenshchina ot muzhchiny. Podarite yey schast’ye byt’ lyubimoy!

«Kak uznat’, chto zhenshchina neravnodushna k vam? Ob etom rasskazhut yeyo siyayushchiye glaza»

Zdes’ stol’ko predstaviteley iz mira flory: siren’, pionovidnyye rozy, mimoza, freziya, eustoma, tyul’pany. A zamykayet tsepochku krasavits kheleborus. Ob”yomnaya kompozitsiya v firmennoy upakovke sozdayotsya nastoyashchimi masterami svoyego dela.

Onlayn-buket dlya samoy dragotsennoy

Muzhchiny inogda teryayutsya, kogda daryat «sluchaynyye» bukety. Ponravilis’ tsvety – i vso, kupil, vruchil. My reshili priotkryt’ taynuyu zavesu i rasskazat’ o nekotorykh znacheniyakh dareniya kompozitsiy.

  • Buket s tyul’panami – eto simvolichno, ved’ chasto daryat takiye tsvety na 8 Marta.
  • Buket s siren’yu oboznachayet zarozhdayushchiyesya chuvstva. Kak malen’kiye lepestki formiruyut mnozhestvo chashechek, tak i vashim simpatiyam nuzhno vremya, chtoby pereyti v stabil’nyye otnosheniya.
  • Buket s rozami daryat, kogda otnosheniya priobreli chotkuyu vzaimnost’. Korolevskiy tsvetok umesten na lyubom sobytii.
  • Buket s mimozoy zakazat’ predlagayetsya kak na Zhenskiy den’, tak i v kachestve napominaniya vesenney kapeli i ozhivlenii «spavshey» prirody.
  • Buket s eustomoy rasskazhet o druzheskikh namereniyakh daritelya. No kto yego znayet, kakim budet prodolzheniye otnosheniy?
  • Blizhayshiy zakaz tsvetov muzhchiny delayut na 14 fevralya i 8 Marta. Ne zabud’te sdelat’ svoy vklad v podderzhaniye i razvitiye otnosheniy.

    STUDIO Flores: odin iz luchshikh tsvetochnykh magazinov s dostavkoy v stolitse

    Cherez internet-magazin dovol’no prosto kupit’ buket. A dal’she yego ponadobitsya vezti v druguyu chast’ ili tsentr goroda. Gotovy samostoyatel’no spravit’sya s takim khlopotnym delom?

    My obyazatel’no pomozhem. Dostavka tsvetov v Kiyeve predlagayetsya na bezoplatnoy osnove, yesli stoimost’ kompozitsii prevyshayet 1200 grn..

    Poetomu vam potrebuyetsya vybrat’ i zakazat’ buket onlayn, a takzhe opredelit’sya s variantom raschota. Dostavka tsvetov (Kiyev) budet sdelana bez opozdaniya, a fotootchot kliyent poluchit na telefon.

    2 216 / 5 000
    Результаты перевода

    The seaside coast in Italy is rich in an abundance of colors. We have created a bouquet “Amalfi”, which embodies freedom, fullness of feelings, fulfillment of desires. This is what a woman expects from a man. Give her the happiness of being loved!

    “How do you know if a woman likes you? Her shining eyes will tell about it”

    There are so many representatives from the world of flora: lilacs, peony roses, mimosa, freesia, eustoma, tulips. And closes the chain of beauties heleborus. A three-dimensional composition in branded packaging is created by true masters of their craft.

    Online bouquet for the most precious

    Men sometimes get lost when they give “random” bouquets. I liked the flowers – and that’s it, I bought it, handed it over. We decided to open the secret veil and talk about some of the meanings of gifting compositions.

  • A bouquet with tulips is symbolic, because such flowers are often given on March 8.
  • A bouquet with lilac denotes nascent feelings. Just as small petals form many cups, your likes need time to develop into a stable relationship.
  • A bouquet of roses is given when the relationship has acquired a clear reciprocity. The royal flower is appropriate for any event.
  • A bouquet with mimosa is offered to order both for Women’s Day and as a reminder of the spring drop and the revival of “sleeping” nature.
  • A bouquet with eustoma will tell about the friendly intentions of the donor. But who knows what will be the continuation of the relationship?
  • The next order of flowers men make on February 14 and March 8. Don’t forget to contribute to the maintenance and development of the relationship.

    STUDIO Flores: one of the best flower shops with delivery in the capital

    It is quite easy to buy a bouquet through the online store. And then it will need to be transported to another part or the center of the city. Are you ready to deal with such a troublesome task on your own?

    We will definitely help. Flower delivery in Kyiv is offered free of charge if the cost of the composition exceeds UAH 1200.

    Therefore, you will need to choose and order a bouquet online, as well as decide on the calculation option. Flowers delivery (Kyiv) will be done without delay, and the client will receive a photo report on the phone.

    Additional information

    Type of bouquet





    Lilac, Mimosa, Rose, Tulip


    Anniversary, Birthday, Date, Just because, March 8, Valentine's Day




    For a boss, For a colleague, For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a mom, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife

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    For whom, ,
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