Quite simple look around Chrysanthemums Santini. Internet shop will create wonderful bouquets of lilies for the bride for the occasion or just like that. Series Bouqets with ranunculus will satisfy the most scrupulous clients. Quite low prices for Bouquet of 9 roses Misty Babels, Bride's bouquet 8, Bouquet 51 tulips mix will allow to take easy and fast. Fast shipping Petropavlovskaya Borschagovka and to other districts of Kiev. Talented florists flores shop at good prices will embody any flower idea. Bouquet of flowers "Cream" — compositions of your mood at the best prices.
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Pay attention to our handsome! It is not like the others: light, beautiful, in a delicate white and creamy range. A perfect gift for a birthday, wedding or a girl on a first date.
3 snow-white carnations, 2 white tulips, a sprig of white spray peony rose, a large ranunculus, 2 sprigs of matiola and 2 sprigs of ladervaren.
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