2,350.00 грн.
Flowers in a box with hydrangea and dianthus

Now you can quickly and conveniently find Gypsophila. Internet shop STUDIO Flores does irresistible bouquets of flowers and sweets for a colleague or loved one. Collection Bouquet with carnations will be able to please the desires the most demanding buyers. Fairly affordable prices for Bride's bouquet 6, Bouquet with hydrangea and roses "Libretto", Huge bouquet 501 tulips give the opportunity to receive fast enough and inexpensive. Pickup or shipment Irpin and to other districts of Kiev. Online shop florists https://flores-shop.com.ua/ at an attractive price will make any set for you. Flowers in a box with hydrangea and dianthus — the best choice for a gift at good prices.

Flowers in a box with hydrangea and dianthus

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Delicate spring bouquet of flowers in a hat box.

Hydrangea, 5 dianthus, 9 tulips, 3 oxypetalums, a sprig of mimosa and a sprig of eustoma.


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