The bouquet “9 crimson roses” is recommended for those who want to express their feelings and emotions. A wonderful gift for a loved one or close friend.
“The charm of a bouquet is the ability to create a sensual note from flowers and fragrances”
Twigs of silvery brunia divide the wavy lines of petals in buds, preventing them from looking like a single mass. Green leaves remind that the composition is made up of living components. A gray satin ribbon in the tone of brunia beautifully ties up the stems, forming a voluminous bed for flowers from the packaging material.
What does the internet say about raspberry roses
The rich shade of a bouquet of roses is not only appreciated by buyers, but is also held in high esteem by breeders. For many years, breeders from England, France, Holland, California, Ecuador sought to get it.
- This tone is not bright, deep or faded. It is a “golden mean”, which is suitable for any age of the recipient.
- It is appropriate to buy a bouquet for February 14, for the first romantic date, March 8, for a birthday.
- Unlike the red shade, crimson roses do not represent passion, but noble love.
- A beautiful bouquet of flowers is often sung in verse, comparing it with wine, gems.
- Today, such a bouquet can be ordered in a flower shop. And before, they spent a lot of money on flowers, sometimes they even went bankrupt, burning with love for the lady they liked.
If your chosen one has a sweet tooth, we advise you to add a delicious gift from the STUDIO Flores online store to your order of flowers. A soft bunny will please your favorite minx. When paying for a bouquet of 9 raspberry roses, free delivery of flowers to Kiev is offered.
Flower delivery in Kyiv
Care, tenderness, deep feelings are very important for the fairer sex. One of the tools of love is flower bouquets, which can be ordered online in a short time.
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