1,580.00 грн.
Bouquet with chrysanthemums and roses 'Floral vanilla'

Now you can quickly and conveniently select Matiola. Shop online flores shop has among other things beautiful bouquets of sweets for an anniversary or other holiday. Subgroup Bouquet with spray rose will be able to meet expectations scrupulous clients. Good price tags on Bouquet of 51 white-lavender tulips, Bouquet of dried flowers "Afogato", Bouquet of 5 hydrangeas mix will give the opportunity to take at no extra cost. Sending in a few hours Borschagovka and to other districts of Kiev. Master wizards STUDIO Flores at a bargain price will make any set for you. Bouquet with chrysanthemums and roses "Floral vanilla" — best gift at a low price within the framework of promotions.

Bouquet with chrysanthemums and roses “Floral vanilla”

Out of stock

Tenderness of autumn in vanilla shades.

Ilex branch, 3 white chrysanthemums, 2 matthiola branches, 2 branches of spray peony roses matched to match and 4 Mentha roses


Additional information

Type of bouquet





Chrysanthemum, Matiola, Peony rose, Spray rose


Anniversary, Birthday, Date, Just because




For a boss, For a colleague, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a mom, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife

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