Bouquet of 19 red roses El Torro is a gift for a real queen, it is a bouquet that will tell instead you about your feelings. A special solemnity of the bouquet is attached by a white double-layer festive packaging, which emphasizes the solemnity of the moment.
Bouquet of 19 red roses El Toro
Red roses are not only a symbol of passion, but also a symbol of admiration, respect and courage. It’s probably why it is customary to give them not only on Valentine’s Day or March 8, but also on Teacher’s Day, the last bell and of course on Birthday and Anniversary.
The feature of the rose of El Toro variety is its bright red color and the shape of the bud in the form of a skirt, which opens and becomes twice as large as its original volume. Also, this sort of rose is characterized by increased endurance.
Order flowers in the online store STUDIO Flores
Our shop guarantees you quality and a great choice of flowers. However, because of constant popularity of roses, we recommend you to make your order in advance. In this way we guarantee to ourself the purchase of flowers specially for your order and reserve the most comfortable time for their receipt.
For your convenience, we have a callback function, for this you need to place an order in one click. Our florists consultants will contact you and specify all details of the order.
You do not have to worry your flowers will be delivered on time to the specified address.
Together with us, it is always pleasant and comfortable to buy flowers online!
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