5,450.00 грн.
Bouquet of fifty-one red roses Madame Red

Now very convenient purchase Roses Cream Grace Spray. Online store flores shop will create beautiful bouquets of flowers with gerberas for any occasion. Heading Bouquets of red roses satisfy wishes new buyers. Democratic price tags for Large bouquet of tulips, Flowers in a box "Milk cocktail", Satin flamingo star allow to take without unnecessary waste. The most careful delivery Borschagovka and to other districts of Kiev. Experienced online boutique masters STUDIO Flores at attractive prices will make any set for you. Bouquet 51 red roses Madame Red — bright compositions at a reasonable price.

Bouquet 51 red roses Madame Red

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A gorgeous red rose from Colombia with a large bud and a dense stem.
A beautiful bouquet of 51 red roses for Valentine’s Day, March 8, Birthday, Wedding or Anniversary.


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