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Flowers in a box with peony and anemones

Now it's easier select Gerberas. Shop online STUDIO Flores can advise wonderful bouquets with inscription for someone close to you. Heading VIP bouquets of flowers live up to expectations the most scrupulous customers. Low prices for Pink silk, Agate balloon, Buy a bouquet of tulips and mimosa will give the opportunity to take inexpensive. Pickup or delivery Darnitsa and to other districts of Kiev. Experienced market florists flores-shop.com.ua at a democratic price will embody any idea. Flowers in a box with peony and anemones — an interesting gift at a bargain price.

Flowers in a box with peony and anemones

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Delicate box of flowers with peonies, tulips, roses and anemones for a girl. You can’t take your eyes off her!

3 matiola, peony, 2 sprigs of spray peony roses, 5 tulips, eustoma sprig, 2 anemones and eucalyptus.


Peonies with anemones look like yin and yang. Two opposites make up a harmonious bouquet that you want to look at without stopping.

“Anemones are interesting in that they not only close at night, but can also do so during the daytime. This is how flowers “predict” climatic imbalances in nature: a storm, heavy rain or a sandstorm”

The dark center of the anemone resembles a mountain hill, around which vegetable fields are located. The white petals imitate the snow cover that enchants lovers of stone massifs. Mattiola, peony rose, eustoma, peony create a smooth overflow between the shades of the bouquet.

A bouquet for the girl you dream of conquering

Flowers in a box with peonies and anemones will be an unexpected gift for your loved one. This composition will satisfy the most pretentious person, meticulously examining the hat box and its plant contents. Let’s celebrate together what is special in the composition.

1.A significant set of components. Proper artistic layout requires special knowledge in floristry
2.When ordering flowers through an online store, you can use the composition shown in the photo. Or ask to slightly modify it by adding (removing) the amount of herbal ingredients
3.A bouquet of peonies and roses is securely placed in a hat box. For further storage, a vase is not needed, only a flat surface is required to place the package
4.The price for peonies depends on the season. We recommend giving this composition on special occasions: Birthday, Anniversary, birth of a child.
5.Pink and white is the most favorite range for women. Therefore, for those who want to order a bouquet for a particular girl for the first time, the probability of being pleased with a present is quite high
6.It is better to bring flowers in a box by car. It is inconvenient to hold them in hands, so flower delivery in Kyiv is useful
7.The courier will replace the donor if he is in a different place at the time of delivery of the order.

A bouquet of peonies will stand for about 1-2 weeks, as favorable conditions have been created in the inside of the packaging box to maintain the freshness of the components.

Buy flowers online with delivery

STUDIO Flores flower shop offers European service. It will be possible to order a bouquet in a couple of minutes, and flower delivery in Kyiv will eliminate any inconvenience for the donor.

Additional information

Type of bouquet


Box type

In a hat box




Peony, Peony rose


Anniversary, Birthday, Mother's Day, Wedding



Occasion, , , , ,
For whom, ,
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