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Bouquet Elegance

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Bouquet Elegance

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An exquisite bouquet for a real queen. Elegance and conciseness are an indicator of ideal taste and self-confidence and self-confidence. 15 large ranunculus, muscari and eucalyptus sprig.
At your request, the number of ranunculus can be either increased or decreased.


Elegance is found in clothes, jewelry, bouquets. It includes grace, a little chic, subtle bravado, sophistication. An elegant girl is a girl who has thought out all the little things in her appearance: from the tone of lipstick to the type of handbag. Her clothes are different from others, because everything is aimed at emphasizing the dignity of the figure. And the gait has a special grace and it is difficult to look away from it.

Bouquet “Elegance” looks advantageous due to the delicate combination of color components and shapes. 15 pink cloud ranunculi combined with small, purple muscari bunches and olive green eucalyptus leaves to create a painting worthy of an artist’s brush.

Time to congratulate

Valentine’s Day is approaching (February 14, Valentine’s Day), after which, 3 weeks later, the world celebrates March 8: excellent reasons for presenting flower bouquets to ladies dear to their hearts. It is proposed to order and present a bouquet to a romantic girl who will appreciate the feelings of the chosen one, whether you are a married couple or those who are still only making joint life plans. You can also buy a bouquet for your mother, delicately thanking her for her huge contribution to the life of a grown child.

You can go online to a flower shop in order to find an emotional gift for your aunt, grandmother, sister, teacher. And the heads of the companies need to congratulate the entire female team, so the choice of bouquets in the STUDIO Flores online store will allow you to focus on floral beauty at reasonable prices. Additionally, for bulk orders, you can count on a discount. Flower delivery in Kiev will help you to get all the bouquets intact and fresh.

Give emotions and open your hearts

A woman is most decorated with a smile, eyes glowing with happiness and gratitude for being the one and only. Having decided to order a bouquet online for an unexpected delivery, you will give unforgettable moments of joy to your female heart. This is much more valuable than buying a trinket. Give positive emotions – and they turn into happiness and mutual understanding in the family. Ordering flowers with delivery is an easy way to preserve family happiness for many years!

Additional information

Type of bouquet

Mono bouquet


Pink, Powdery






Anniversary, Birthday, Date, Easter, March 8, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Wedding




For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a mom, For a newborn, For a sister, For beloved, For wife

Occasion, , , , , ,
For whom
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