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Bouquet of seventeen spray roses

Easier now select Matiola. Online shop flores shop does colorful large bouquet of peonies for the occasion or just like that. A selection Bouquet for the girl able to please new buyers. Good prices for Balloon candy blue, Bouquet 21 matiola, Wedding bouquet with peonies and roses will allow to take convenient and inexpensive. Delivery Pechersk and to other districts of Kiev. The best florists STUDIO Flores at affordable prices will embody any flower idea. Bouquet of 17 spray roses — compositions for your mood profitable.

Bouquet of 17 spray roses

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Summer is the peak season for roses. If your chosen one loves roses, then it’s time to please her.
After all, a chic bouquet of 17 spray growth varieties Bombastic can be presented just like that – for no reason!

Give joy with STUDIO Flores!


There are many versions as to why the rose is considered a priority flower. However, the fact of her dominance in the realm of bouquets cannot be denied.

“The thorns add charm to the bud; so risk adds to the charm of victory. (I. Karpov)”

A bouquet of “17 spray roses” in the shade preferred by girls will be able to do a lot. He will emphasize the beauty of his beloved, show that you are ready to fulfill her desires, and help reconcile a quarreling couple. Bombastic will create fantastic, because it will come in handy for engagement, congratulations on the birth of a small child, family anniversary. A convenient online form on the website of the online store will help you order a bouquet.

Buy a bouquet of spray roses for a friend, wife, mother, daughter

Men turn to a flower shop to be advised to buy a composition for a certain occasion. Self-confident individuals choose what they like. And someone trusts the advice of experts who will tell you not only the composition of the bouquet, but also recommend colors.

1.WhiteNew changes are expected, sincere love has visited you
2.PinkFeelings are tremulous, favorable conditions for the development of relations
3.YellowOrdering flowers to confirm strong friendship, wishes of financial abundance
4.Orange, coralA large bouquet of spray roses will show that this person is important to you and your future together
5.Cream peachWe are ready to become a strong support in life for another. Next to you – warm and reliable
6.BlueYou are not ready for a fast-paced relationship, you need to think more. Most often, a bouquet in blue, blue shades is given either to men or girls, whose tastes are exactly aware
7.Red, magentaYou are driven by all-consuming love and passion. The second option is deep respect and appreciation for the recipient.

Whatever the interpretation of the shades, choose the color that the person being presented especially likes. It is offered to buy a bouquet for cash or using money transactions.

We work for the people of Kiev

To order a bouquet of spray roses, carnations, peonies, orchids, to make prefabricated compositions, to show the author’s creativity, the employees of STUDIO Flores will help. We are ready to offer bouquets, small gifts with delivery, decoration of premises with herbal ingredients and balloons.

Additional information

Type of bouquet

Mono bouquet


Peach, Powdery


Rose, Spray rose




Anniversary, Birthday, Date, Just because, Last Call and Graduation, March 8, Mother's Day, September 1, Teacher's day, Valentine's Day, Wedding




For a boss, For a colleague, For a daughter, For a girl, For a girlfriend, For a kid, For a mom, For a newborn, For a sister, For a teacher, For beloved, For wife

Occasion, , , , , ,
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